Play Smart, Be Informed
The more you know, the more fun you'll have when you play the Iowa Lottery. That's where this
player's guide comes in. We've got tips and tools here to help you make informed decisions as you buy
lottery tickets.
Think of it this way: You wouldn't buy a new vehicle or even a phone without first doing your research.
So just like you gather information in other areas of your life, you can choose to be informed when you
play the lottery.
At the Iowa Lottery, we care about you as a player and want you to play responsibly. You've heard us say
it before: Playing smart is a lot more fun. The information here can help you do just that.
Know Your Limits, Play Within Your Means
Understand The Odds Before You Play
Resources To Learn More About Lottery Odds And Prizes
Win Responsibly
Lottery Myths vs. The Facts
Test Your Understanding
If You Think It's Gotten Beyond Your Control