Press Room

Des Moines Woman Scratches Off $10,000 Lottery Prize

Dennice Thompson Wins With "Red White & Blue Cash"

Dennice Thompson

CLIVE, Iowa — A Des Moines woman has won a $10,000 lottery prize.

Dennice Thompson won the second top prize in the Iowa Lottery's "Red White & Blue Cash" scratch game. She purchased her winning ticket at Lickety Liquor, 2501 Hubbell Ave. in Des Moines. Thompson claimed her prize Thursday at lottery headquarters in Clive.

Red White & Blue Cash is a $2 scratch game that features 5 top prizes of $10,000, 31 prizes of $200, 123 prizes of $100, and 2,043 prizes of $50. For more information about this game, and the number of prizes still available, visit

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