Proceeds FAQs

How are lottery proceeds in Iowa used?

Today, lottery proceeds in Iowa have four main purposes. They provide support for our state's veterans and their families through the Iowa Veterans Trust Fund; support through the Iowa Public Safety Survivor Benefits Fund for the surviving family members of Iowa peace officers and fire fighters who die in the line of duty; help for a variety of significant projects through the state General Fund; and backing for the Vision Iowa program, which was implemented to create tourism destinations and community attractions in the state and build and repair schools.

Can nonprofit organizations here in Iowa apply for funding from the lottery?

Iowa law mandates that all lottery proceeds go to state causes, so it is not possible for the lottery to provide funding to individual requests.

Doesn't the lottery help education?

That seems to be something a lot of people have talked about through the years, but in fact, lottery proceeds have never gone directly to education in Iowa. When the Iowa Lottery started in 1985, its proceeds went to an economic development program called the Iowa Plan. Then for a time, lottery profits went to environmental and cultural causes. A portion of lottery proceeds have also been dedicated through the years to the Iowa Problem Gambling Services. Today, lottery proceeds in Iowa have three main purposes: They provide support for veterans, help for a variety of significant projects through the General Fund, and backing for the Vision Iowa program, which was implemented to create tourism destinations and community attractions in the state and build and repair schools.

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