
Fast Cash Bingo

Win up to $5,000!

Fast Cash BingoHow To Play

Match the CALLER'S NUMBERS to the PLAYER'S CARD numbers in a complete horizontal line, complete vertical line, or a complete diagonal line, win the corresponding prize in the LEGEND for that exact line count. Players may win up to one (1) prize amount from the prize LEGEND.

The center FREE space counts as a matched PLAYER'S CARD NUMBER on every ticket, but must be included in a winning combination to win a prize.

Game Start: 11/3/2024  
Official Game End:  

Prizes and Odds:

Prize Odds
$2 1 in 7.14
$5 1 in 10.42
$10 1 in 35.71
$25 1 in 1,000.00
$50 1 in 2,000.00
$100 1 in 3,000.00
$500 1 in 12,000.00
$1,000 1 in 48,000.00
$5,000 1 in 120,000.00
Overall Odds 1 in 3.76
For more information see the Fast Cash Bingo Game Rules PDF