Eastern Iowa Man Surprised By $20,000 Lottery Win
Jim Hanson Claims Top Prize In 'Power 10X®' Scratch Game

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CLIVE, Iowa — An eastern Iowa man who won a $20,000 lottery prize said he needed a second opinion to help confirm his big win.
"I called a friend of mine and said, 'You need to get eyes on this!'" Jim Hanson said on Thursday as he claimed his prize at the lottery's Cedar Rapids regional office.
Hanson, 57, of Dubuque, won the first top prize in the Iowa Lottery's new "Power 10X" scratch game, which began sales this month. He bought his winning ticket at Eagle Country Market, 1800 Elm St. in Dubuque.
After scratching off the ticket at home, he quickly called his friend and tried to convince her it wasn't a practical joke.
"I mess with her all the time, constantly," Hanson said. "I'm like, 'No, I'm serious! I'm not kidding. I seriously think I just won $20,000!'"
After meeting up with his friend, she scanned the ticket with the Iowa Lottery mobile app, which confirmed the big win.
Hanson said his win came at the perfect time. With a hip replacement surgery scheduled in the coming months, he plans to set aside his winnings to cover living expenses.
Power 10X is a $2 scratch game that features eight top prizes of $20,000 and overall odds of 1 in 3.73. For more information about this game, and the number of prizes still available, visit www.ialottery.com.
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