
VIP Club Pop-up Contest Results

Pop-up contests are exclusively offered to our VIP Club members who have opted to receive electronic communication from us. You never know when you'll receive an email to enter special pop-up contests for free tickets, merchandise or other prizes - and no purchase is necessary!

Not a member? Join the Iowa Lottery VIP Club today and register to win for prizes of all kinds, including cash, experiences and merchandise.

Listed below are the results from our most recent contests.

BLACKJACK Bonus Pop-Up Contest

Entry period: March 21 – 24, 2025

Congratulations to these 21 VIP Club members who have each won a prize pack with $60 in BLACKJACK scratch tickets.

Susan Babcock, Des MoinesPatricia Matthews, Hazleton
Mindy Beekman, TiptonKerri Matucha, Cedar Rapids
Pamela Davenport, Prairie CityJeff Petersen, Sioux City
Martha Fuentes, Sioux CityScott Porter, Fort Dodge
Michael Giltner, AnkenyBrian Rickels, Monmouth
Christopher Hazen, Council BluffsRebecca Stahr, Atlantic
Joshua Herold, ColfaxCandace Streeter, Kellogg
Marykae Hintz, De WittHenry Tolino, Urbandale
April Jaeger, DubuqueDean Walker, Boone
Mike Kleinow, North LibertyShianne Wellman, Gowrie
Aggi Lein, Mason City 

See a map of where the of where the BLACKJACK Bonus Pop-Up Contest winners are located.

WAKA WAKA Winning Pop-Up Contest

Entry period: February 25 – 27, 2025

Congratulations to these 30 VIP Club members who have each won a prize pack with $50 in PAC-MAN scratch tickets.

Doug Blegen, Decorah Merlin Parsons, Muscatine
Justin Cloke, Urbandale Paul Peterson, Marion
David Collins, Newton Kristen Ragan, Des Moines
Kristen Conway, Coralville Julie Reineke, Forest City
Ramona Cook, Cedar Rapids Vidal Richardson Hughes, Cedar Rapids
James Cutting II, Council Bluffs Michele Ringen, Miles
Teresa Foell, Forest City Karen Schoenrock, Ankeny
Brady Frye, West Union Deborah Shafer, Monona
Katherine Glenn, Ankeny Melissa Sorter, Adel
David Huff, Davenport Candace Streeter, Kellogg
Christena Luers, Keota Jess Tepner, Bode
Emerson Malone, Altoona Dawn Vanderhoff, Ruthven
Meghan Mellecker, Lone Tree Karen Vaske, Cedar Rapids
Janette Miller, Kalona Bill Wehrle, Waterloo
Jackie Nicholson, Newton Carolyn Wise Mayo, Waterloo

See a map of where the WAKA WAKA Winning Pop-Up Contest winners are located.

Feeling Lucky? Pop-Up Contest

Entry period: January 28 - 30, 2025

Congratulations to these twenty (20) VIP Club members who have each won a prize pack with $80 in Feeling Lucky? scratch tickets.

Chris Bartee, Grinnell Carolyn Leopold, Des Moines
Joshua Butler, Norwalk Tim Mcintosh, Creston
Daisha Dunbar, Davenport Catherine Oliver, Harlan
Diane Fredregill, Ankeny Brian Peiper, Mount Vernon
Robert Garrett, Marion Billie Sargent, Springville
Dale Grant, Ankeny Kristine Schliske, Fort Dodge
Dean Halverson, Ames Deanne Sutherland, Spencer
Leo Harlow, Newton Julie Visser, Pella
Karen Heick, West Liberty Trudy Wagner, Cedar Rapids
James Herron, Shenandoah Kate Zihlman, Tiffin

See a map of where the Feeling Lucky? Pop-Up Contest winners are located.

For more information see our Pop-up Contest Rules PDF.

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