Play It Again® with your Explore Iowa scratch tickets for a chance to win vehicles or cash this summer!
This promotion has ended. Winners will be announced when available.
Play Explore Iowa This Summer and Think Outside!
could be exploring Iowa's backroads in an exciting Polaris® vehicle! When you enter your nonwinning Explore Iowa
ticket in the promotion, you'll choose between a Polaris® gift certificate or cash worth up to $50,000. Here's
how it works: we're holding three drawings this summer - in June, July and August - for winners of $25,000 Polaris®
gift certificates and $5,000 cash prizes. Then there are grand prize drawings in September for one $50,000 Polaris®
gift certificate and one $50,000 cash prize.
All entries not selected as a winner in the selected prize category in the first 3 drawings will be eligible for the grand prize for that
same category. For example, those who enter for the $25,000 Polaris® gift certificate in one of the first three drawings
would be eligible for the $50,000 grand prize Polaris® gift certificate. If a player enters to win a $5,000 cash prize in one of the first three drawings,
they would be eligible for the $50,000 cash grand prize.
There's life after scratch, so get your tickets entered today!
Polaris® Prize Package Details
- Winners will receive a certificate to purchase the Polaris® recreation vehicle of their choice to wander the
backroads of Iowa!
- Each $25,000 Polaris® Gift Certificate Prize Package is valued at $35,211.26, including state and federal withholding
taxes paid on the winner's behalf.
- The Grand Prize $50,000 Polaris® Gift Certificate Prize Package is valued at $70,422.54, including state and federal
withholding taxes paid on the winner's behalf.
Drawing Schedule
Entry Period |
Drawing Date |
Prizes |
No. of Winners |
10 a.m. May 3 thru 9:59 a.m. June 7 |
June 9 |
$25,000 Polaris® gift certificate |
3 |
$5,000 Cash |
5 |
10 a.m. June 7 thru 9:59 a.m. July 19 |
July 21 |
$25,000 Polaris® gift certificate |
3 |
$5,000 Cash |
5 |
10 a.m. July 19 thru 9:59 a.m. Aug 16 |
Aug 18 |
$25,000 Polaris® gift certificate |
3 |
$5,000 Cash |
5 |
10 a.m. May 3 thru 9:59 a.m. Sept 13* |
Sept 15 |
Grand Prize: $50,000 Polaris® gift certificate |
1 |
Grand Prize: $50,000 Cash |
1 |
*All entries not selected as a winner in the selected prize category in the first 3 drawings will be eligible for the grand prize for that same category
How to Get Your Chance to Win a Polaris® Vehicle or Cash
1. JOIN THE FREE VIP CLUB, if you're not already a member. You must be
a member to enter this promotion.
2. THE EASIEST WAY TO ENTER IS TO DOWNLOAD THE APP. You can download the LotteryPlus app at Google
Play Store or Apple App Store.
3. SCAN EXPLORE IOWA SCRATCH TICKETS. Using the app, log into your VIP Club account, choose the "Enter Drawings" tab, then
the "Explore Iowa" button. Scan the square bar code in the "Scratch 2 Cash" area of the scratch ticket, choose a prize and click Submit.
4. OR, YOU CAN MANUALLY ENTER the scratch ticket numbers in the promotion at ialottery.com. Choose the "Enter Here"
button above and log in to the VIP Club. Then choose the "Explore Iowa" promotion and enter the required ticket and prize choice information.
- Only nonwinning Explore Iowa scratch tickets are eligible for this promotion.
- Entry begins at 10 am on May 3 and ends at 9:59 am on Sept. 13, 2022.
- You can enter an eligible ticket only once. Winning tickets are not eligible.
- You can enter multiple tickets in the drawing, but you can win only one prize per category in each drawing.
- All entries not selected as a winner in the selected prize category in the first 3 drawings will be eligible
for the grand prize for that same category
- You must be at least 21 years old to purchase Iowa Lottery tickets and win a prize in this promotion.
Check the Results page after each drawing to see who won.
Explore Iowa FAQs
Explore Iowa Promotion Rules PDF
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Official licensed product of Polaris Inc. All rights reserved.
POLARIS and the star design are trademarks of Polaris Inc.
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