
Examples of Winning Combinations

Play Type Numbers
Straight 3 Exact Order Select three numbers (unique or not) to match the winning numbers in the order that they were picked.

Example: If the winning numbers were picked 1-2-3, only exact order plays of 1-2-3 are winners.
3 Any Order Pick three unique numbers to match the winning numbers in any order. There are six ways to win (six possible combinations).

Example: If the winning numbers were picked 1-2-3, any plays with those numbers (such as 3-2-1) are winners.
3 Any Order Pick three numbers -- two of which are identical -- to match the winning numbers in any order. There are three ways to win (three possible combinations).

Example: If the winning numbers were picked 1-1-2, any plays with those numbers (such as 1-2-1) are winners.
Front Pair 2 Exact Order Pick two numbers to match the first two winning numbers in the order that they were picked.

Example: If the winning numbers were picked 1-2-3, only exact order plays of those first two numbers (1-2-x) are winners.
Back Pair 2 Exact Order Pick two numbers to match the last two winning numbers in the order that they were picked.

Example: If the winning numbers were picked 1-2-3, only exact order plays of those last two numbers (x-2-3) are winners.

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